Friday, September 29, 2006

Let's Talk

My name is Jessica Clements, and I hung the banner on the Fine Arts Building at GMU that read, "SODOMY IS. Gay or Straight." The banner was a response to graffiti written over invitations to a Pride event. I left the message intentionally ambiguous, because I feel that graffiti was intended to silence. I want people to talk about these issues and educate themselves. This blog is a forum for those who wish to ask questions about the gay pride movement, talk about the pain caused to people by the hate-graffiti, and address issues raised by the banner.

This blog is being moderated so that it does not become a forum for further aggression. For this reason, it may take a few hours before your comments are live. I will do my best to review and post them promptly. Sensitive and open comments on any aspect of the issues will be posted. See the sidebar for more information.


Anonymous said...

Unbelievable that such vile hatred still exists in this era where the perpetrators have access to higher education , intellectual discussion and diversity. I just received your card in Jazzman's. Bravo for your activism.

Anonymous said...

The banner is beautiful. I wonder what the thief is trying to keep hidden. Just some food for thought...

Anonymous said...

I think you should write it on a T-shirt and hang it on the clotheslines.

It would be interesting to see what the response would be to it in a rape context as well as a free speech one.

Anonymous said...

For a while I was confused as to whether this was positive or not. I was there when I saw the poster being hung and my initial reaction was that it was an act of disguist towards the advertisement of what the Pride organization is about and that it's sole purpose was to cause controversy. I'm a heterosexual person and even I was offended, I could only imagine how those who consider themselves to be of other orientation felt. I think that the level of shock was achieved, but that it could've been executed in a better, less graphic, way (if it was indeed meant to "promote discussion"). What is done in our bedrooms has become a such public issue and it shouldn't be. What people to each other in the privacy or their own space is THEIR business and how it is done is consensual between those parties and should be left that way. No man (or woman) can pass judgement and should not be concerned as to whehter it is a sin or not. Talkin' and screamin' about it only causing restlessness. Leave it to the one and ONLY ONE that is able to pass judgment, GOD (or whatever being you believe in). Activism is great, but a goal can only acheived when EVERYONE can come together on POSITIVE terms.

Daniel Dean said...

I think the banner is an engaging response to the antagonistic graffitti of the pride adverts. To me it is a thoughtful statement about humanity. Sodomy exists seperate from the judegment of any group.
My problem is more the fact that it was removed by someone who designated themselves the censorship police, a GMU administrator, the chair of the Performing Arts Dept if I am not mistaken. Who is this person? I want to talk to them.

Jessica Clements said...

It was actually the chair of the Dance department, Elizabeth Price: A300C Performing Arts Building, Ffx (703) 993-2137.