Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Do You Want To Be Protected?

The banner was removed between 7 am and 9:30 am on Friday, by a member of the faculty who may have been acting on her own (not for the school). This faculty member acted in response to a handful of heterosexual students who were upset and felt protective of other students.

How do you feel about this? Do you prefer to be protected from being upset? Or do you prefer to decide for yourself about the world -- what you do/do not want to see, what you think about what you see?


Anonymous said...

upset? I honestly was intrigued by it but not upset. I was more trying to understand if there was some sort of message behind the words.

It could have said "Water is Liquid or Gas" or "The sky can be Blue or grey" as far as I was concerned.

It seemed like a kind of stupid statement to me in that way.

Anonymous said...

I heard that it was a group of dance students, gay and straight, that complained.

I agree that your banner shouldn't have been forcefully removed without your consent--or knowledge/notification!!

Mostly though I was confused by the banner. I had figured out (eventually) that it was a response to the gaffitti, but i couldn't tell if it was for or against the issue. maybe that why I took another look.

Daniel Dean said...

It is ridiculous that things happened the way they did, with someone (this someone would be one Elizabeth Price: A300C Performing Arts Building, Ffx (703) 993-2137) thinking they could assume the authority to think for me or other students! It is censorship, plain and simple, which is another form of intolerance - which is what sparked the original incident.

Anonymous said...

I feel that the removal of the banner was indicative of the stifling atmosphere concerning liberal thought and alternative lifestyles that prevades at this school. Religious fanatics are allowed to put up their displays, to rant at us, solicit us, and pester us in every concievable way, all in the name of "free speech." However if people who advocate the freedom to choose an alternative lifestyle were as agressive in their advocacy, the vocal religious minority would scream bloody murder, and claim that we were forcing our views upon them. The school evidently doesn't have a problem with banners and displays advocating "traditional family values", which is to my mind simply an endorsement for those who would seek to persecute me for loving who I want, how I want, and the way I want. Just for the record, I've been bisexual since some time before most of you were just a gleam in your parent's eyes.